Chaos of Cthulhu
The Brief
There’s no shortage of H.P. Lovecraft inspired games in the world, so we wanted to make one that was different than the rest using a dice mechanic developed by Darth Rimmer. Instead of making a game about cultists, detectives, and reporters hunting the unknown, we wanted to make a game about dumb kids playing with evil monsters and making each other go mad in the process. What came out was Chaos of Cthulhu. It’s kind of like a Rubik’s cube dice fighter. This game was successfully Kickstarted in Fall of 2015, and manufacturing was completed in April of 2016.
Project Details
Client: Imp House LLC
Date: Oct 2015
Skills: Art Direction, Graphic Design, Game Design, Project Management
Of Old Ones and Elder Beings
Screens, Matts, and Chits
The Story
Chaos of Cthulhu has some unique mechanics that most Lovecraft gamers haven’t experienced before. I decided the best way to get players in the right mindset before learning how to play was to create a comic that set up the story. The comic is used at the beginning of the rulebook, and I also animated it for the Kickstarter video.